
onsdag 29 februari 2012

Creative connector

The headmaster clones other people and in the end he tries to clone everyone. He is a dangerous, mean and evil man. He is  not a human he is a demon and have no feelings. He was born as demon. In the school he make the children behave and make them stay and work when there is break.
Syfte: Vi gjorde det för att se vid vilken grad(C°) vatten kokar på.
Material: Bägare, brännare, trefot, vatten och termometer.
utförande: Vi satte på brännaren med vatten i bägaren och satte bägaren på nätet, sen mätte vi temperaturen efter varje minut.
Resultat: (tabell).
Slutats: Vi kom fram till att h20 (vatten) kokar vid 100°. Vatten (fast form) kan inte bli högre än hundra grader celsius.
Felkällor: Termometern kunde gått sönder.
Förbättringar: brännaren kunde bränt snabbare.
Skälet till att termometern visade 100+ var  för att termometern nuddade botten på bägaren.

torsdag 16 februari 2012

Word finder

Direct.             Direkt
Squeeze.         Trycka
broadcast.     Sändning
Lorries.          lastbilar
glanced.        såg
airily.              luftigt
cheerful.        glad
frowned.        rynkade pannan
sleeve           hylsa

I will go home direct
I am cheerful
It´s very airily
I will broadcast
I almost like lorries just as much as cars.


Ian Is going to broadcast what It Is he´s seing. When he climbed Into the cap he directly began to direct. When he had been their for a while he heard the other lorries behind him and his mouth went dry. He got mad because It didn´t´work because they suspected. As the man beside him swung the wheel he glanced sideways doubtfully. I have picked this moment because I at least thought It was suspensfully and Interesting. 
After reading the book I think that It was a good book.

tisdag 14 februari 2012

Charachter tracer

The headmaster In the demon headmaster reminds of principal skinner from The simpsons beacuse prinicpal skinner Is often mean to Bart just like the headmaster Is but the headmaster Is a demon principal skinner Is just dumb.

måndag 13 februari 2012

The hidden one

I have drawn a picture when little scarface sister cuts here with knife until It bleeds. Many times In the hidden one little scarface sister Is mean to here she haven´t any particular reason she Is just mean. She also get burnt by here sister.

torsdag 2 februari 2012

Creative conector

In the Simpsons principal Skinner is evil especially to Bart Simpson, Nelson Muntz and Jimbo and his gang. He is not evil or a demon or something but he is mean and dumb and it reminds me of the book The demon hedamaster. Prinipal Skinner often gives Bart to either wright something a 1000 times or make Bart to stay in school after school. The difference between The Simpsons and The demon headmaster is that The Simpsons is a tv-serie and The demon headmaster is a book and the demon headmaster is maybe to some scary but the Simpsons is just funny and not scary at all. In The demon headmaster the headmaster makes people do things they dont want to do and if they dont listen they get terrorized.