A Life as a TWIN
1: Jag ramlade i trappan.
2: Jag är äldre med fem minuter.
3: Det är svårt att skilja oss åt.
4: Det var så jag fick mitt skar.
5: Jag älskar att spela piano.
6: Han spelar gitarr.
7: Vi blir väldigt trötta på att vara tvillingar.
8: Jag vill aldrig se dig igen.
6. A
1: Sisters.
2: Never.
3: Blond.
4: Short.
5: Big.
6: South-West.
7: Upset.
1:I have five sisters.
2: I’m never gonna see you again.
3: One of my sisters is very short.
4: Calm down you seem to be very upset
5: My mother is blond.
A date at McDonald´s
Ben: Hey Daniel why don´t we fool the girl. We do like this, that you say that you want to meet here but I go instead.
Daniel: Let´s do it.
When it is time for the date...
Daniel: Hi, what do you want to eat?
The girl: I want to eat a Big mac
Daniel: Me too. What will we drink?
The girl: I think i want a Sprite.
Daniel: Okay and i take a coke. Let´s order.
Daniel: The food tastes really good
The girl: Wait a minute, you are not Daniel you´re Ben i know it because you have a scar and Daniel doesn´t.
Daniel: Wait, I can explain.
The girl: There is nothing to eplain you lied to me that,s the silliest thing to do. I never wanna see you again.
Bra jobbat, Alexander. Stabilt språk och intressant innehåll. Enstaka språkfel förekommer, tex missar du punkt ibland.